Jumat, 25 Mei 2012

Polar Animals

Arctic Terns:
The Arctic Terns have huge beaks; they have thick feathers to keep them warm in polar climate. Arctic Terns eat animals like fish. In the summer, these birds can eat enough to grow twice their size. 

Arctic Hares:
The Arctic Hares look similar to rabbits, but Arctic Hares are usually bigger and their fur changes colors. During the winter their fur is white, but it can change into a blue-gray or brown color in the summer. They have very big feet to help them move quickly across the snow and strong claws to dig for food. The Arctic Hares eat berries, twigs and plants.

Emperor Penguins: The Emperor Penguins are birds that can’t fly. They can swim. Penguins eat fish, and can hold their breath under water for about 18 minutes.


Musk Oxen: musk ox is a huge animal that have a stinky, musky smell and that is why they are called “Musk Ox”. Musky smell smells like onion and sweaty socks. Musk Oxen travel in groups called herds. They eat grass, shrubs and other plants, no meat. Their long thick hair keeps them warm in the cold climate.

Polar Bears: Polar bears have fur that is white, but it’s actually clear. The color of their fur makes it easy for the heat from the sun to stay trapped close to their bodies and keeping them warm. The Polar bears are good swimmers and eat big blubbery animals like seals.


Snowy Owls: Snowy male owls are mostly white and the female owls are covered with dark spots. Their fluffy feathers cover their whole body, even their feet. It helps them fell warm in an extreme cold climate. These owls eat mice and fish. 

Humpback Whales: The Humpback whales may live in the water but they breathe oxygen to live like humans do. When they need air, it comes to the surface and breathes through its big blowhole on its head. These whales do not live in Antarctica all the time, but they travel to Antarctica to find food. They eat fish and squid.

White Foxes: The white foxes have special feet that help them walk in the snow without making any sound and staying steady. They also have large, thick tails they use to wrap around themselves like a blanket. Arctic foxes mostly eat mice and birds, but they’ll also eat berries.

Weatherchannelkids, 2012, polar climate animals, available at: http://theweatherchannelkids.com/climate-code/be-eco-friendly-for-the-animals/polar-climate/ (last opened 25/5/12)

Made by: Natasha Suhendar

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